Artifacts and Identity

The I is an artifact.

The experience that each of us has of ourselves and of others is mediated, supported, and constructed by a wide variety of tangible and digital artifacts with whose help we think, feel, and act. PIS investigates how minds and things, subjects and materials are co-constituted and feed back on each other. 

Bodies and Identity

The I is embodied.

Each of us lives and knows thanks to and despite our own body schema and the prostheses whereby it acts in the world by exercising power and undergoing affections. PIS investigates how minds and bodies, subjects and other living beings are co-constituted and feed back on each other.

Environments and Identity

The I is situated.

Each man or woman inhabits a space in which he or she develops by interacting with discourses and images, sounds and temperatures; by penetrating places and touching surfaces. PIS investigates how minds and environments, subjects and devices are co-constituted and feed back on each other. 


Collaborative research project

PI: Prof. Chiara Cappelletto
Ph.D Candidate: Giulio Galimberti
Post-doc: Marta Calbi

Research project

PI: Marta Calbi
Supervisor: Prof. Chiara Cappelletto

Research project

PI: Prof. Chiara Cappelletto
Post-doc: Samuele Sartori
